Hard of hearing

One of those days …


Source: 123gif.de/schoenen-tag/gif-schoenen-tag-0007.jpg

Yes, yesterday was one of those days. When I cleared our dishwasher, it turned out that a double-walled tea glass had broken down and could be thrown away. Too bad, it was the last of three glasses and I liked to use it because it was big and nice. But hey, this can happen.
When I came back from gymnastics, the lift didn’t work and I was forced to go upstairs 6 floors. Of course good for the figure, but if you have just had an hour of gymnastics behind you, not really recommendable.
Thankfully it went well until I wanted to go to bed. Yesterday was my laundry day. Because I had emptied out my summer wardrobe last week in order to exchange it with the autumn/winter wardrobe, I had some extra laundry this time and the washing machine had turned three times this day. The first two times, I heard the washing machine beep, a sign that the laundry is finished. Then I emptied the washing machine and hung up the laundry for drying. So far so good. But the third wash, I didn’t hear any more. This is something that happens very often, because the beeping is very quiet and high. And then it can happen that I forget the washing machine completely. Yesterday, too.
My husband usually hears the beeping and eventually turns off the washing machine. But he doesn’t always tell me that! And then it can happen that the laundry stays in the washing machine for a while. Yesterday, too. Only when I wanted to go to bed, I noticed that there was still laundry in the washing machine and had to hang up the laundry by then …
The same thing happens with the dryer: sometimes I notice that it’s only finished when I want to go to bed and then the dryer has to be emptied from fresh laundry.

Anyway, a lot of electrical devices have beeps when they’re done. Which I usually don’t hear when I’m not in immediat vicinity.
So we have an egg cooker, which is very good, but only has a very short and gentle beep when the eggs are ready and it does not switch off automatically. That means if I miss beeping, I’m never sure if the eggs are cooked or not yet.
The waterkettle is better! It switches off when the cooking is done and has a light in the switch. And we once had a dishwasher, where the operation was visible on the front side and you could see when the dishwashing program was finished.

Acoustic and visual signals are certainly something I pay attention to when buying an electrical device.
I still try to “train” my husband even better so that he informs me about turning off the dryer and washing machine. So that there may be “One of those days, so beautiful as today” again…!


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